COVID Facility Disinfection

According to the EPA, indoor air can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air. SARS-CoV-2 viral particles spread between people more readily indoors than outdoors. When indoors, ventilation mitigation strategies help to offset the absence of natural wind and reduce the concentration of viral particles in the indoor air. Cleaning particles from the air is the first stage of successfully sanitizing an indoor environment. 

At Home Atlanta has the distribution rights to ActivePure, an air purifying system that actively attacks viruses, bacteria, and mold pathogens with active technology. Other companies use a passive system. 

ActivePure Technology sends out into the environment a purifying plasma looking for these negative pathogens. This technology travels at 1200 feet per second sending our solution ActivePure to the virus/pollution. This technology derived by NASA, certified by the Space Foundation neutralizes pollutants and contaminants in places other technologies and filters simply cannot reach. 

This is a certified Class 2 Medical Device and meets the highest levels of CDC and FDA protocols. We reduced airborne SARS-Cov-2 Virus 99.96% in 3 minutes and on surfaces 93.27% in 3 hours and 99.98% in seven hours. This technology is being installed everywhere in numerous environments:

Residential / Healthcare / Education / Hospitality / Municipality